Have your eyebrows enhanced with Micropigmentation Brows, want natural looking permanent eyebrows?
Firstly, what is micropigmentation? is it like microblading???
Micropigmentation ( PMU ) is where the technician used a digital device similar to a tattoo machine but with a softer strike and disposable cartridge needles, these cause less trauma to the skin. Microblading is a hand held too which create small hair like cuts into the skin, you both have a retouch 6 weeks after, with micoblading; you can onlt have one future re touch / colour boost / top up but with micropigmentation; you can have a yearly or two yearly colour boost.want natural looking permanent eyebrows?
With Micropigmentation, I can create hairstrokes, a soft powder brow or a combination of the both. I have been busy correcting previous microbladed brows and also PMU ( permanent make up ) brows. The pigments I use a high end and heal lovely, but you must wear a SPF to keep the colour looking fresh!
I offer consultation along with skin patch test, the appointment also includes a pre draw if required. You can book this on my website on the floating purple icon on www.carolinedaypmu.uk